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Colquitt Christian Academy Kindergarten

In Kindergarten, the building blocks of a Classical Christian education are laid. Students will develop foundational skills in reading and writing, speaking, listening, and number sense. Young children are blessed with an amazing capacity to memorize and possess a natural desire to soak up information. We try and nurture that throughout the year by memorizing bible verses, math facts, poems, and history and science statements through songs and jingles. This knowledge will help provide a solid foundation for all that is ahead of them. Bible lessons and scripture are taught daily and interwoven in every subject area. The ultimate goal is to create in them a love for learning, but most importantly a love for God and His Word and creation.

Grade Level Description
First grade is a time to continue the wonder of discovery and to firmly put in place the beginning pegs of learning students will use as they grow.

Click Below to Review the Course Guide:

Theme/Master Question:
Obedience no matter what.What does God want us to know?

This class is not a graded course but is intended to build the students’ love of Scripture and the traditions of the church. Emphasis is placed on practical application through teacher-led devotions and memorization of key passages to build character and godliness.

This is done through:
• large-group instruction—using Bible reading, and storytelling.
• large-group participation—using daily singing, prayer (teacher-led), and recitation
• projects, artwork—integrated with holy days
• catechism question-and-answer.

Theme/Master Question:
Words honor God and show Him respect.

Students are familiarized with words at the most basic level, beginning with letters and sounds and working up to reading and writing common words.

This is done through
• large-group instruction
• individual and small group instruction (based on reading ability)
• drill;games
• daily written practice
• daily oral practice
• reading books
• use of art and drama to encourage a love of books.


Theme/Master Question:
God reveals Himself through the order in the world.

Students learn to form the letters of the alphabet printing.

Kindergarten students focus on learning to form lowercase letters and then upper case as they are ready. Retrain the Brain exercises help students gain focus and self-control, and to mitigate struggles with dyslexia and difficulty paying attention.

This is done through
• large-group instruction
• daily written practice
• Retrain the Brain exercises.


Theme Question:
Why did God write a book for us to read?

In this course students learn to enjoy poetry, story, and descriptive words.

The also begin to recognize a standard of good poetry, including the presence of rhyme and meter. Students memorize poems, increasing their memory skills, and enjoy the humor of poems.

This is done through:
• teacher or guests read aloud to students
• discussion of the book, in large or small group, and answering oral and written questions
• connecting discussion with course theme of obedience as applicable
• using pictures, objects, projects, and personal stories to increase comprehension and vocabulary, relating as much as possible to the lives of the students
• integrating art, Bible, grammar, history, Latin, etc.
• individual and class recitations.


Question:How do numbers tell us about God?

This course begins the grammar school study of arithmetic. Students should demonstrate an increasing understanding that God gave us numbers and mathematical systems to help us in life and to also help us understand His immutable (unchangeable) and logical character.

This is done through:
• teaching is primarily coaching, with a manipulative and experimental methodology
• presenting new material and reviewing with the class using individual white boards at the desk, followed by working with students individually and in small groups to practice problem-solving strategies and conceptual thinking about math
• emphasis is placed on logical evaluation of how and why math works and rote memorization of math facts; math is connected as often as possible to real-life situations and challenges
• using of whiteboard work, drills, games, small-group work, and individual instruction; i.e. flashcards, setting individual goals for accuracy/speed, and various worksheets for enhancement
• using of manipulatives to achieve objectives
• i.e. measuring tools for length and volume, money, dice, unifix cubes, student clocks, geoboards, etc.
• class begins each day with a brief activity, questions to consider, math drill to prepare for the lesson or review, or the calendar (months, days of the week, seasons, and date)
• Instruction is connected with kindergarten theme of obedience as applicable.


Theme Question:
Why did God create birds?

This course begins the grammar school science program, emphasizing the skill of observation and developing a sense of wonder about God’s creation. Students study the many varieties of common birds at anin-depth level.

This is done through
• large-group instruction
• projects, art work (integrated with other subject areas);observing of birds
• studying of bird habits and diets
• dissecting owl pellets during the MK Nature Center field trip
• field trip to the park to observe birds in their natural environment
• teacher read-alouds with books about birds
• experiments and observations of feathers, nests, and bird beaks
• memorizing poems
• drawing birds and specific features
• listening to bird calls
• connecting instruction with kindergarten theme of obedience as applicable.


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“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Kindergarten Course Guide.docx.pdf

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Colquitt Christian Academy's Mission is to provide an academically challenging program, to create a love of learning in every student, to instill the habits of success in every student, and to prepare the student to be a responsible and productive member of the community.

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